
Whitelist of external internet sites via a proxy


I'm trying to connect to api but I'm getting this error message;

curl: (56) Received HTTP code 403 from proxy after CONNECT

with requests I got this one:

requests.exceptions.ProxyError: Cannot connect to proxy. Socket error: Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden

Searching pythonanywhere forums I found this one:

Now I need to know if mercadolibre is in the whitelist of allowed external sites so I can use its api from here.

Thanks in advance.

PS: I'm using a free account in pythonanywhere.

Hi again,

I sorry for posting before trying to see if the information I'm looking for is public, as I figured out recently. Here I found mercadolibre is not in the whitelist, so, Is there any possibility to include it at least for temporal access?


The requirements for whitelisting a site are that it should have a public API and be useful for other free users. I don't see any evidence that it has a public API. If I'm wrong, just post a link to their API docs and I'll add it to the whitelist.

Thanks for the fast response,

this is the url to the developers site:, and here is the online documentation of the api.

Please let me know if this enough.

Thank you very much.

That's perfect. I have added to the whitelist.

hi glenn,

I appreciate your help, I'm trying to test the connection but I can't see it work. I tried from another url with no proxy and it worked fine. Do I have to do something else (some update action or something) to get it?

Thanks a lot.

I sorry, I'm new in this site.

I've just tested these two from a free account Bash shell, both seem to work:

python -c 'import requests; print(requests.get("").text)'

What happens when you try it?

I think I know what the problem is. The api needs https and I sent you an http url. Please change it, it shall work.

Thanks a lot for the fast responses

HTTPS works fine for me?


python -c"import requests; print(requests.get('').text)"

Yes, you are right, thanks.

Can you please add to the whitelist too, please? It's another tool from mercadolibre.


Are you sure that's the right domain? I can't seem to access anything there.

Hi Giles, thanks for your reply. Yes, the domain is right. You can check this URL, for example:



How odd, it wasn't working earlier -- maybe they had a glitch. I've whitelisted it now.

Thanks, Giles!! :D

I need to use technologies so this is the link that i consult from cmd curl | bash but I'm getting this error message curl: (56) Received HTTP code 403 from proxy after CONNECT I'm using a free account in pythonanywhere

As usual, send a link to the api docs that show that that is a public api endpoint.

I'm having a similar issue with I just filed an issue / question and received:

What exactly do they need? Codeberg is accessible via HTTPS, git+ssh, and the Gitea Swagger API (documented at

Is that good enough for whitelisting?

@ubuntourist Is the api endpoit mentioned in some public place?

@ fjl I got a response from the Codeberg folks:

I added a pointer to the public Imprint so that they should be able to add us to their whitelist: 94d9a08292. (imprint is linked in footer, API access in last paragraph on page)

So, to whit: The footer on every page has a link to Imprint/Impressum. Following that link leads to a document which now says at the bottom:

Please refer to the official Gitea Swagger API documentation for information to access the API endpoints.

Public enough?

That's fine. It's done.

Excellent! Thanks for a speedy resolution!

Hello can you add these two sites to the whitelist? "" "" The documentation is ""

These were added to the whitelist:

Please add to whitelist:


@boxscores please send a link to the official docs of that API.

The API is on GitHub:

No problem. I have added that to the whitelist.

Hi there! Not sure if this thread is still active but wondering if you could add: to the whitelist?

The documentation for this API is available at

The only problem is you need to have an iRacing account to access the docs, so if this is not possible to whitelist, I totally understand! :)


@Bolbi Hi, Thank you for your request, please note we are unable to view the documentation on the link provided. If you would like the above domain to be considered for the whitelist , please send us a link to the API documentation. Please note in order for us to consider the request further we need public documentation stating the hostname for the endpoint.

please add and to whitelist thanks

Youtube does not have a publicly documented API so it is not a candidate for the allowlist.

Hello, can you whitelist the site :, this is the test net of ethereum. I try to use web3 to connect smartcontract but receive the error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden'))) -About Web3 document :

You can request an addition to the api allowlist here