
cannot connect pythonanywhere via ssh

Hi, my intention is to upload file from my PC to my pythonanywhere periodically, I use ssh to send file to my account, but receive Authentication failed message. I am not sure if anything I have doing wrong. Please help.

My coding is as follows:

localfilepath = "local_test.txt" remotefilepath = "/home/jjhui/stock_app/plotlydash/local_test.txt"

import paramiko ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh_client.connect(hostname='',port=22,username='',password='xxxxxxx') s = ssh_client.open_sftp() s.put(localfilepath,remotefilepath)

I use my password as the ssh password.

BTW, other than ssh, is there any other method I can use to upload local file periodically to pythonanywhere?


Are you able to just ssh to your account using the same credentials?

I had issues SSHing today too, even though I've been connected for months. Perhaps something was down?? Opened my own forum question as well today. Is PythonAnywhere having SSH Tunnel issues?

Yes, I can use "ssh". But when I run python script to upload file, I received "AuthenticationException: Authentication failed."

I have the same issue. I have been ssh-ing into my database for a while now but I'm getting this error just now.

[28000][1045] Access denied for user 'FatPanda1985'@'' (using password: YES)

HI all, it looks like we were having trouble with our ssh service this morning. I'm still unsure of the cause (could have been ddos related) but will let you know when I know more