
How to use the proxy

I am using a module to upload pictures on the web. The module requires me to set the proxy in the format

Proxy format - user:password@ip:port

Since I am new to this, can someone help me in using the proxy?

The proxy details are on this page:

ProxyError at / HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /s?k=None&rh=n%3A1389401031&ref=nb_sb_nosss (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',)))

it shows this type error plz some one help me for solutions

Free accounts can only access sites on our whitelist. To be on our whitelist, the site needs to have an API and has an API which is on the whitelist. Use the amazon API for what you want to do instead of scraping the site.

In that page there are no proxy details, I am trying to host a discord bot and it is problematic that its basically impossible to do so.

Proxy is proxy.server:3128 and it's on the help page that Glenn linked to.