
Python Script Problem

I am trying to run my code on the bash console, but when I enter "python3" on the first line, I press enter and nothing happens. I also tried to run it and the console closes.

Could you show the exact command that you execute in the console? What is your script doing? Is it printing anything? If not, you may not see anything in the output.

I am trying to run my code on the bash console, but when I enter "python3" on the first line, I press enter and nothing happens. It's look like

06:37 ~ $ python3
06:38 ~ $

I also tried to run it and the console closes and shows something


What is your script doing? Is it printing anything?

I am having the same issue, nothing runs. 00:25 ~ $ python3 00:25 ~ $ Is there a different way to run?

@andrealimon07 What is your script doing? Is it printing anything? It looks like it's running happy, just there is no output there.

same issue in my case as well

my script is following:

import requests import datetime from import Client

LAT = 28.705410 LONG = -100.514618 api_key = "f7ca9b7793d73c1663b03f0eddbc3f16" account_sid = "AC6f7683e80b8777a68f2a31fb09e3610e" auth_token = "0266a2b6a13d3fc6f7f3745228adee9c"

parameters = { "lat": LAT, "lon": LONG, "appid": api_key, "exclude": "current,minutely,daily" } response = requests.get("", params=parameters) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json()

now = now_hour = now.hour

will_rain = False

now_plus_1 = [now_hour + element for element in range(13)] next_12_hours = [] for each in now_plus_1: if each >= 24: each -= 24 next_12_hours.append(each)

for each_hour in next_12_hours: if data["hourly"][each_hour]["weather"][0]["id"] < 700: will_rain = True

if will_rain: client = Client(account_sid, auth_token) message = client.messages.create( body="It's going to rain today. Remember to bring an ☔ ", from_='+18669819036', to='+16465772724' ) print(message.sid)

@aryskeldi What is the error you get?