
Connection refused

ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused

i use my own username and password even i cannot login

Make sure you use the right credentials, I see failed password attempts in our logs for your username (which resulted in blocking your IP for an hour between 11:26:59,719 and 12:26:59,683 UTC).

Thanks i used one from website, before i was using database

i connect via ssh , which forwards port to 9090 but it stopped after some times

ssh -L

why is that i checked before it was running and after it closed

DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', 'NAME': 'dbname', 'USER': '...', 'PASSWORD': 'pass', "HOST": "", 'PORT': '9090', # Default PostgreSQL port is 5432 } }

while connecting to ssh the check mode runs ( while connected to ssh )

Connection established. PostgreSQL is running.

but after connection of ssh gone which is inactive i am only using for db

PostgreSQL might not be running.

Do I understand correctly that you try to connect with your database via the SSH tunnel? If so, when you lose the tunnel, you will lose the connection with the db as well.

yes sir

you need to make sure that your tunnel is restarted each time it crashes.