
How am I hitting my CPU second limit with a single task the runs for 4 seconds an hour?

Title. I have a limit of 2000 cycles that I'm hitting by 11:30 every day. The only thing running besides my web app is a single task that runs for 4 seconds every hour. I'm just failing to see how that could possibly add up. Unless MySQL also sucks up CPU cycles?

Upon further investigation, it may have just been some process from a couple days ago still lingering around?? Doesn't seem to be happening anymore.

The most common cause of unexpected CPU usage that we've seen is IPython/Jupyter notebooks. They continue to run even when you're not viewing them, and even when they're idle they "sip" CPU at a rate of about one second per minute.

You can kill all notebook-related processes from the "Consoles" page, using the processes table at the bottom of the page -- just kill anything with a name like "jupyter", "kernel" or "sudospawner". However, I don't think you'll need to do that right now if your CPU seconds used are no longer ticking up.