
Webapp app request rate limitation

As the title said, My project is to host a Flask server on pythonanywhere as a file storage, and download files through python requests module.

Yesterday I found that my requests is frequently blocked by the server with the following error message:

requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='~~my web domain~~', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: '~~endpoint to download file~~' Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x0000024D8BF21100>: Failed to establish a new connection: [WinError 10060]'))

I've filtered away some possible causes to this error:

  1. SSL verification
  2. Internet connection
  3. Correct URL endpoint and parameters

And it left me with Rate limitation, which I now think is most likely the cause of this problem

(yeah... got rate limit blocked by my own server... kinda ridiculous

So is there any way to disable

  1. Flask server rate limitation
  2. PythonAnyWhere Webapp rate limitation

(can't find rate limit option in custom paid plans

Could you show the full traceback message? We don't have any rate limit settings per web app.

Sure! Here's the full traceback. full error traceback

I also went to the internet cafe to test out using different computers (IP address), and the error won't occur. Therefore to my knowledge the only explanation is that I'm getting rate limited (please correct me if I missed something

Could you email us your ip address at

I've emailed it through!

Thanks! We'll pick up the conversation there.