

I started with "mkvirtualenv django2 --python=/usr/bin/python3.6" and then "pip install django"

This is my folder structure:

.cache/ .local/ .mozilla/ .virtualenvs/ mysite


get_env_details Initialize postactiva postdeactivate postmkproject postrmvirtualenv preactivate predeactivate premkproject premkvirtualenv prermvirtualenv

I have an import error and
"workon my-virtualenv" gives "ERROR: Environment 'my-virtualenv' does not exist. Create it with 'mkvirtualenv my-virtualenv'."

What to do now? I thought i had install the right way virtualenv?

You need to create a virtualenv with mkvitualenv before you can work on it.

Do I have to delete the folder django2 and other files with in the name "vvritualenv"? Your instruction was "mkvirtualenv django2 --python=/usr/bin/python3.6 "

If you've made a virtualenv called django2, then workon django2 will work.