
Calling unidecode(string) gives 'object' is not callable error

The following method works perfectly on my local environment, but doesn't work on PA.

import unidecode
import unicodedata as ud
from unidecode import unidecode

def createSlug(name):
    slug = unidecode(name.strip()).replace(" ", "-").replace('"', '').replace("(", "").replace(")", "")
    unsafe = ["&","$","+",",","/","'",";","@","#","%","<",">",":","-amp-","!","|","*", "?",".","^","[","]"]

    for x in unsafe:
        slug = slug.replace(x,'')

    if "---" in slug:
        slug = slug.replace("---", "-")
    if "--" in slug:
        slug = slug.replace("--", "-")

    return slug.lower()

print (createSlug('á á á ééé'))

When I call it here I am getting the following error:

  slug = unidecode(name.strip()).replace(" ", "-").replace('"', '').replace("(", "").replace(")", "")
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

I have already pip installed unidecode (and upgraded it too), and I am almost sure that I have used this code at PA without any problems earlier so I can't figure out the reason why it doesn't work. I would really appreciate if somebody could give me an idea about how should I fix it.

You've imported 2 different things as unidecode. One is a module, the other is a function. Only import the function.

Perfect! Thanks! It's working fine!