
module not found

I'm using gspread module in my python program like "import gspread" When running it I see an error "module gspread not found". I tried to install it via bash using "pip install --user gspread". And it was said that the request is already satisfied. But still the module is not found. I think I miss something. Anyway, can you suggest what to do?

This is the test (I tried to modify path where gspread is located) import sys sys.path.append('./.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/') import gspread

Output still bad:( import gspread ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gspread'

OK. Solution is found. Need to point full path:

 import sys
 import gspread

That should already be on the Python path if you're running Python 2.7. Are you running the code under Python 2.7?