Hello i've just logged in from a little break.
I've done the following. Changed
< a href="hello.htm" a> Link to a < strong> HTML Relative< / strong> folder.
< a href="http://robbo1993.pythonanywhere.com/site/subfolder/hello.htm" < / a> Link to a <strong> HTML Relative</strong> folder.
And my web page http://robbo1993.pythonanywhere.com/site/dj4e.htm
upon checking the "view page source" still remains as
< a href="hello.htm" a > Link to a < strong> HTML Relative< /strong> folder.
I've done a migration and it did some "OK" stuff, I've reloaded the main web page a few times i've tried saving a few times...which does save it just doesn't load it to the webpage for some reason.
Any help is much appreciated thank you for your time :)