I'm trying to schedule a task in a virtualenv for a Django site. In the task, I run a Django management command named 'process_league_event', which takes a single argument (a day of the week). Currently, the command simply logs a message in a log file.
My virtualenv is named 'League', and my Django app directory structure looks roughly like this:
- league.log
- settings.py
- manage.py
If I do the following, it works, and I get the expected message in league.log:
~ $ workon League
(League) ~ $ cd ~/League/website
(League) ~/League/website (master)$ python3 manage.py process_league_event MONDAY
However, if I try to run this as a scheduled task, no message is logged in league.log. This is what my task looks like:
/home/mon/.virtualenvs/League/bin/python /home/mon/League/website/manage.py process_league_event MONDAY
Any ideas?