
nothing shows up in error log

The web site is crashing, but nothing to troubleshoot with. This is a live website. Please help.

Hello, this is a live website. Please help asap

This happened to a perfectly working site after adding Google's Analytics <script> tags. The tags have been removed, but the site fails to load.

When navigating to the actual page, it says the following with no css, just plain html:

Server Error :-/ An error has occurred. This shouldn't happen

Feel free to contact your nearest PythonAnywhere representative (there's a "Send feedback" link above), and loudly complain about the problem.

(Extra credit if you do so in rhyming verse!)

hi there- sorry about that. we currently have a bug that is triggered with a low probability when someone has a webapp, and then deletes it and someone else creates it on their account. I believe that is what happened here with you. We have fixed that now- let us know if you are still having any problems!

thank you for fixing it so quickly!