
Evennia on pythonanywhere

Hi there.

I was thinking about the possibility of running an Evennia instance on pythonanywhere. Is that possible? Could it be accessed by telnet protocol or similar?


not by telnet. do you know how the evennia server is setup? eg: is it a flask server behind the scenes etc? it needs to be a uWSGI compatible server (in which case you can host it as a webapp on PythonAnywhere)

From the repository:


Any system that supports Python should work. We'll describe how to install everything in the following sections.

Windows (2000, XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win10)
Mac OSX (>=10.5 recommended)

Python (v2.7.11+, not supporting v3.x at this time - our roadmap for py3 is here).
    Pip. Python installer, included with Python 2.7.9+ but can also be installed separately.
    virtualenv for making isolated Python environments. Installed with pip install virtualenv.
    Linux/Mac users may need the gcc and python-dev packages or equivalent.
    Windows users need MS Visual C++ and pypiwin32.

GIT - version control software for getting and updating Evennia itself
    Mac users can use the git-osx-installer or the MacPorts version.

Twisted (v16.0+)
    ZopeInterface (v3.0+) - usually included in Twisted packages
    Windows users need pypiwin32.
    Windows users need MS Visual C++.

Django (v1.10 or 1.11), be warned that latest dev version is usually untested with Evennia)
    Pillow (Python Image Library). This is often distributed with Django. As a backup you can also try the older PIL, on which Pillow is based.

Standards/Protocols supported

Telnet with mud-specific extensions (MCCP, MSSP, TTYPE, MSDP, GMCP, MXP links)
ANSI, xterm256 colours
TCP/websocket browser web client, with ajax/comet fallback for older browsers
HTTP - Website served by in-built webserver and connected to same database as game.
IRC - external IRC channels can be connected to in-game chat channels
RSS feeds can be echoed to in-game channels (things like Twitter can easily be added)
Several different databases supported (SQLite3, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ...)

And there is a webclient running.

So what is your opinion?

If the server is django, then yes you can host django webapps on PythonAnywhere. However, we do not support websocket connections. ie. of the protocols "supported", probably the best one for you to focus on deploying would be HTTP/HTTPS.