
Setting of Source Code in Web Tab

Hello, does anyone know how to set the source code after creation? I set up a manual wsgi and now I only have a "you can navigate to your souce code using the files tab" Setting project_home or path in the wsgi config didn't help. A search in the forum either. Any ideas? Thank you for your support.

Unfortunately there is no option to do it on your end at the moment. If you send me/support an email with the directory you want to set, we can set it for you manually if you'd like.

Hi conrad, thanks for the info. I keep this in mind once I've settled for the permanent structure. Maybe you consider a small set button for the future.

Same isse... : (

OK -- which web app do you want to change, and which directory would you like it to point to? Let me know here in the forums, or if you prefer using the "Send feedback" link above, and I'll get it sorted out.

Thanks Giles. No worries, I just re-created the app.

OK -- if you do need it changed in the future, just drop us a line.

Awesome. Thanks

I am having the same issue. My WSGI points right to it, but it doesn't seem to register. I've even tried deleting and recreating the app. Any help?

We don't support setting the source code folder for manual config web apps I'm afraid. I can do it for you manually if you really want. But otherwise, just browse to it via the Files menu...

@theraccoun just to clarify, the issue discussed above was regarding the soruce code link under the webapps tab linking to a different place (but their webapp is running fine).

I took a look at your wsgi file. os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'mysite.settings' should be os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'blog.settings'

hello, I am getting the same kind of ModuleError at wsgi file, Can you please look at it

replied on stack overflow. Do also check our help pages on this issue.