Hello, I am aware this is a slightly familiar topic but I am at a loss at to what to do next and wondered if you could help. I have been following the Django Girls Tutorial which I have now completed - yay! Except that my webpage does not show the python/HTML updates to my webpage and I have run out of things to check. Can you advise on next steps?
Things I have done:
- My changed code works when I run in on my local machine (so I know it works)
- I have successfully 'git pull' the code across to pythonanywhere.com
- I have checked the code in the files and it is exactly the same as on my local machine (there is no other copy)
- I have 're-loaded the web site' (and also refreshed the webpage on the browser)
- I have cleared the cache
- I have deleted the stored '.pyc' files (I see they refresh once you reload the website)
- I have used bash to go to the directory where the 'wsgi.py' file is held and written 'touch wsgi.py'
- I have tried to edit the wsgi.py file by adding in the path
Nothing works. I am uncertain now how to continue or what I should look at next to fix the issue of the new files being ignored by the webserver (essentially It won't display the ability to edit posts).
I have read your responses on similar questions. What would you do now if you were me?
Is it possible the webserver is running an older set of my files that I can't see?