
does the Beginner rate include WSGI technology?

how do I configure the WSGI configuration file?

Yes, absolutely -- you can edit the WSGI file from the link on the "Web" tab once you've created a website there.

How to do it for my case, where to read about it? Should I delete "hello world" and what should I write instead? If I need to access the django admin panel, how do I configure wsgi?

If you're using Django, you should just un-comment the Django section of the WSGI file -- you don't need to write anything of your own.

I am very grateful for your answers. I already understood it myself, I commented all the lines, including spaces, but I can't get into the django admin panel, although I'm typing Already not know, that and to do, 'm mad, time there is no

I see you've started a new thread about this, so I'll answer there.